a thousand wishes


Nothing is ever enough and I\'m insatiable 

Nothing is ever good enough and I can\'t take it all 

There\'s a hunger, there\'s a need 

In me, for everything 

No matter how much I try to fill 

There\'s a hole 

 my soul has been 

Working to fix 

But no matter what I put in 

It all comes out 


No matter how hard I try  

I\'m drowning in this doubt  

And every word I hear 

Every song I sing 


Nothing feels good 

Nothing lasts for long 

As quick as the words come out 

As quick as they fade 

As fast as the songs I sing 

As fast as they fade 


I tremble 

I shake  

I burn 

I\'m Insatiable  

Just wanna fill me up  

Oh I can\'t talk at all 


No matter what I put in 

It all comes out  

It all comes out 


Cause I\'m insatiable 

Please come fill me up 

 I can\'t take it all 

Nothing is enough