Chris Duffy

Kitkat Con

KitKat Con


The troubles of the world are many and vast

Can we avoid catastrophe? You really have to ask.

Conflict among nations, advancing climate change.

But the one thing I’m concerned about is something very strange


The economy is broken and money’s getting tight.

We all have lots of worries that keep us up all night.

Everywhere you look a con man lingers

When did my KItkat lose two fingers?


A British institution has halved in size.

A confectionary con trick right before our eyes.

I’ve lost the will to live, I’m reluctant to unwrap it

It\'s hardly worth the effort, to cup your hands and snap it.


Violence and crime are rife on the street.

You never see a Policeman walking on his beat.

Times are getting tougher and I don’t know what to do.

The fingers on a KItkat are reduced to two.


Television channels are obsessed with sex

We all have a psychiatrists because we\'re nervous wreck

Modern life is stressful, modern life\'s a bore.

The fingers on a Kitkat used to be four.


The ice caps they are melting.

We’re all about to perish.

There\'ll soon be nothing left of this planet that we cherish.

I lie awake at night, not knowing what to do.

There used to be four, now there’s only two?


It really is a rip off.It really is a cheat.

They’re serving half portions of my favourite treat.

So to get myself a Kitkat,I have to buy it twice.

They’ve halved the blinkin’ portions and they’ve quadrupled the price.


They should be brought to justice.It really isn’t on.

I dip it in my cuppa and suddenly it’s gone.

You could call it an obsession or I infatuate.

So come on Mr shopkeeper “ Give a guy a break !”

The leading sweetie makers are hungry for your cash.

What used to be a Marathon reduced to a dash.

A Wagon wheel no longer fits the axle on a car.

No Coconut excess in a modern Bounty bar.


I really cannot help it. I have to vent mi spleen.

What’s happened to mi Kitkat is bordering obscene

It really isn’t fair, it\'s gone too far 

Even Willy Wonka\'s got a shrunken chocolate bar