

So what I might tell you

Is going to slow you down.

Now am screaming at you,

Stay within the white light!!

If it\'s happening to you

I know it doesn\'t,

Feel quite right.

This is pure evil

Am telling you of..

I know exactly

What am talking about

Keep it away

Because if you let it in

It will consume you,

No doubt..

If you are reading this now

And can identify

You know it\'s self taught

Always disallow,

Am here to testify.

This evil wants to penetrate you

And reach into your soul,

Never forget

That you have all the inner control.

Fighting this battle

Between our creator and sin

It has always been never ending,

Do I really have to tell you what side will win.

This is why I say, pure evil

Connect the dots

Do you know what you smell,

It\'s our flesh that rots.

Trying hard not to go there

Because it will scare you to death.

Please heed at my warning

Reader Beware..

When you draw in, your last breath.