
No questions asked


Again and again from the window I look

I cannot just concentrate, or read my book

I wait and wait – but there’s no sign of you

You have totally disappeared from all view


I sit up straight – there’s a knock on the door

But it’s only my neighbour – a veritable bore

Enveloped in my thoughts, I almost forget her

For I am reliving events that occurred last year.


We quarreled on a trifle, and you walked away

Then not even the sun could brighten up the day

I called out to you, but your anger was too great

The only thing I disliked – was that very trait


Memories are the only things I have now

Repentant and sad – that’s what I am now

My heart painfully remembers your charming little smile

That had so captivated me for such a great while


Standing on the terrace, I let out a sigh

I wish! Oh! How I wish, that I can just die

But no! there are others of whom I should think

Though temptation pulls my life almost to the brink


There’s a hand on my shoulder, a touch as soft

As that when you touched me by the hay-loft

I feel it’s a dream, and so do not turn

For my heart does pain – love’s flame does burn


Then a voice whispers my name, and I know it is you

I know my dream has at last come true

No questions are asked, no answers are given

And yet, we both know, each is forgiven.


As we hold each other close, I do not have a doubt

That love has chased all fears and misgivings out

No questions are asked, no answers are given

And yet we both know that each is forgiven.