
Who calls?

Bloody battles in fields once green

Ghosts of warriors walk unseen

Through rivulets of the fallen blood

Where ancient evils once withstood

In moonlight shadows on castle walls

Who calls?

                                         Who calls?


The castle stands in older realms

A place where history overwhelms

Fought over by warring lords

With men of steel and dripping swords

Steeped in death from bloody brawls

Who calls,

                                            who calls?


Of those who came for blood to spill

Most of these remain here still

The castle built upon their bones

Endless death for distant thrones

Buried now beneath these walls

Who calls?

                                              Who calls?


Through these ancient stone built halls

Along the lichen coated walls

Feel the ache of long passed souls

Trapped now in their tormented roles

Through their bones feel eternity crawl


They call..