PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :)

Super Satellite

Note: This is the original version of my Poem, written several years ago, when I published it on this site as WriteBeLight. The video version has been updated.


The Super Moon is finally here!
Closest to Earth in 69 years.

NASA knows, tells us when,
Year 2034, it\'ll be back again.

The Moon, the Earth\'s natural satellite.
In movies likely to cause much fright.

Or, when in love, someone is so,
Capture the Moon with a giant lasso.

And, other flowery poetic themes,
How special to ride upon Moon beams.

Down South people get feeling fine.
Mix high octane, boozy Moonshine.

On clear nights, when the Moon does rise,
The world appears covered in silvery light.

Those children looking to see behind,
If the Moon\'s following by their side.

Urban legend says it brings out crazies,
Appearing in its very full phases.

I remember when it was all the fashion,
Kids, with pants down, their Moons flashing.

Make sure you see it. Please, don\'t delay.
Scientists say it\'s slowly moving away.

And, when gone, surfers have waves to ride.
Just have to hang ten on the solar tides.