
Reprobate fictional schnorrer...

Who never did a lick of work

gifted lifelong entitlement,

yet possessed webbed wide world reputation

actually humble contemplative earthling

jump/kick started cosmic consciousness

as modest (née supreme)
unrivaled spiritual leader
with natural born talent
to resolve conflicts
without uttering a word,


he merely presented unspoken charisma,
when his bonafide dogma stirred

madding crowd awash

with conservative and liberal

unflagging political stripes

plus token long haired pencil necked nerd

anarchistic disruption (holy cow) seldom heard
except during amber alert

contrary to violence prone

human nature, how

out of simian character and absurd.


Honest to goodness effort witnessed

courtesy eyes of big brother,

which affected shout and twist

in life and hard times rendered tragic

of one odd longfellow

surname of Mister Quist,

who once upon a time esteemed

as hotshot dejure at NIST

(National Institute of Standards

and Technology at U.S.

Department of Commerce.


The NIST Cybersecurity Framework

helps businesses of all sizes

better understand, manage,

and reduce their cybersecurity risk

and protect their networks and data.


The voluntary Framework kissed

(figurative kosher blessing

fingers to mouth non verbal communication

to hush quiet riot

unrecognizable protagonist aforementioned -
convincingly disguised Rabbi)

despite blatant underlying anti semitism,

which unpleasant vulgar sound hissed

out the indecorous maw

of zealous white supremacist(s)

across the room of ornate Synagogue,

whereby security details

quickly silenced and ushered

unnamed, unhinged, uncivil...

evil incarnate odious louts,

who did unfortunately own right to exist.


Any resemblance between said divine mortal

(an avuncular good fella,

a handy dandy bare knuckle pacifist,

albeit harmless individual)

and living persons purely coincidental.