
What’s Left Of You

The longing of that person to be with you always is almost too much to bare

Is watching them act as if you are a complete stranger even any fair.

The laughs and the smiles and all the good times seem to fade away

Oh what I would give to go back and change things so that way you would stay

It’s the pulling on my heart every time I see you or anything that reminds me of you that breaks me again and again

They say time heals all but I’m not sure if I’m getting myself out of the waves or just drowning in them.

I tell myself every single day that I’m better without you

But the truth is most of me left with you when you broke my heart into two

I think forgiving is easier than forgetting because I can forgive you for what you put me through

But I will always lay awake at night in pain because what you did runs through my mind every single second of ever single day

If I could talk to you again someday there would be a lot I would want and need to say

But I wouldn’t say them because it’s only Important that you are ok even if it puts me in pain

Loving is easy until you fall too hard too fast

Then you are screwed because it’s like you are walking on very thin glass

With all this being said I wish you all the very best

Because even after everything I will still love you until my heart is put to rest

