
The Girl from Bruton Street (A Memorial for Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022)


A smile came, from George the sixth,

though his royal brain; did tremble,

as with sequence, this would be hers,

Elizabeth’s call, to assemble,


with a long and tenacious way,

she kept defiance, in the fort,

with whispers said; a million fold,

a British lioness, did roar,


via attention to those battles,

of which, were so very brittle,

whenever, there was such complaint,

she met us in the middle,


for the scales had to balance,

by hard decisions, she made,

imagine life without her,

we could have lived in the shade,


so, we should count ourselves lucky,

for her prudent understanding,

a long way from the Kings of old,

who were; forceful and demanding,


though the crown, is a lonely lot,

she was very much of the people,

like Elizabeth, who came before her,

her longevity, is not feeble,


no need for a Facebook account,

her friend list was extensive,

her smile, her candour, said loudly

not everything is expensive,


with her speech, so profound,

or perhaps a chat; with Peruvian bear,

she, for us, was a familiar face,

saying that she was always there,


the world was truly her oyster,

from the Thames, to the corals,

though, in her heart, she would

come back, to her precious Balmoral,   


so, the girl from Bruton street,

becomes a record breaking Queen,

rest very well your majesty,

creator of the British dream.