Kurt Philip Behm

Emancipated Proclamation (+1)

Thou asks how far the wind blows

in fact I cannot tell

Or then how high the heavens

my prayers deep in the well


Thou asks if love comes truly

to one in greatest need

My answer spoken duly

of romance undecreed


Thou asks if truth be spoken

or written timeless down

My speech in patterns broken

unlettered and unfound


Thou asks if time be measured

beyond the last refrain

This moment hides the answer

—of that I can proclaim


(Dreamsleep: September, 2022)



Pluribus Unum


The past and the future

fold into the present

Conceptually vacant

twice empty refrains

No before and no after

perpetually frozen

The ice of indenture

—this moment contains


(Dreamsleep: September, 2022)