PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :)

Gas Bag

I originally published this some 5 years ago, here, as WriteBeLight. The video is slightly different.

I shouldn\'t have had,
That spicy app.
I feel inflated,
And, want to nap.

But, that is not,
To happen at least.
This gas inside,
Must be released.

Oh, here it comes!
About to blow!
The biggest belch!
Going to explode!

Then, someone asks,
Was that a frog?
Or, maybe instead,
A barking dog?

I say not a word,
To anyone.
For, another belch,
Is about to come.

Again, they ask,
What\'s that sound?
Has there been an earthquake,

Now, myself,
I can\'t contain.
Another burp,
Out my mouth, again.

Was it a tornado?
Was it a train?
Whatever it was,
There must be pain!

Finally, I begin,
To feel placid.
Simply because,
I took an antacid.