Vincent Forberger



I hate this world I hate this place All I want to do is faint. My stomach is in ruins my mind is in turmoil and my life is in unmistakable confusion.

I see so much I see so little without a time, without a rime of what\'s rite and what\'s wrong. only!

Never to fix, never to be un-blind: only to find, find what\'s wrong and what\'s undermined.

How I devour any more of the sickness of life.

Can I hold in this awful vomit which I must ingest to Live and \"move on.\"

How can I move, on move forward with so much wrong. As I discover, As I find everything about what\'s right: I find what\'s wrong.

How do I lie. How do I go to my eventual demise knowing all, knowing what\'s here and what\'s now. Its been all so justified so convenient for all, just a genuflection, just a conviction, just a malice indifference to plagiarism.

To believe without any right without any sight. Only what\'s right only what mite.

Or I give a fight is it all so right.

My feelings are so right my feeling are so full of plight, How can I wake-up without a horrible nightmare and live a day-mare.

How can I sleep with I can\'t stop day dreaming a way out of this horrible method of right of wrong and of misunderstanding flowing throughout.

A day dream of life with all so right all so wonderful like a big beautiful night.

How can I combat their feelings of right and go on with my life. How can I feel in my life. How can I dream in my life with all of this strife.

My heart is heavy, My mind is full, only if only to walk away into the blue. If only to catch a big blue breeze and soar, Ever higher unraveling all of those mysteries. If I could only be free If I could be me, my true me. If only to be.