
Cruelest Fate

Your arrival so imminent

The expectation brings so much excitement

Instantly everything became a flurry of movement

Suddenly fear paralyzed me in the span of a moment

Never realizing it was the beginning of my agonizing torment


Where there should have been a wail, instead a crushing silence

Death summoned without violence

I glimpsed you still and quiet in the distance

Offering myself so that you could have a chance at life and permanence

Not even that made a difference


Clarity slices through me, imparting a lasting fear

All uncertainty is gone and all is now crystal clear

Knowing pain will intercede year after year

As long as I breathe, for you, I\'ll always shed a tear

Not even my own life did I hold so dear

Yet Fate had to viciously interfere


You are forever etched into my heart and memory

My arm, your living tributary

Given out of love and sincerity

My greatest wish is that your soul endure for eternity

So you may have another chance to best calamity


A child should never have to be buried by a parent

Our one wish truly transparent

That you\'d never have to come under Death\'s enthrallment


My love forever sent to encompass you in warmth and light

So let your soul burn dazzling and bright