

One of the most painful thing is to leave someone .


It is the pain having with everyone.

If you are the one , you know the pain 

or else you are always in vain.


The one who know the pain , is the happiest.

The one who feel it , is the luckiest.

And the one who never understood , 

is the one never having any livelihood.


Feel the pain, know the change.

Be the one , stay in the range.


+Ve attract -Ve , -Ve attract + Ve ,

this is nature\'s truth.

You and me , close and free ,

this is societies youth.


\'What to do ?\' , you may ask.

Hey, I think you know the task.


Times changes everything !

Is it true ? 

I don\'t know , what to say ,

but this World is a big crew.


Crew , crew everywhere.

Not a single place to sit.

Heart is a biggest place ,

but people makes it a dubious pit .


You may think , \' Is this pit is full of sorrow ?\' 

The answer is known by you ,

whether you minded good or narrow ! 


Life is not alike , it is literally a big race .

Which is not only me , but

smaller to bigger , bigger to smaller ,

Everyone has to face.


No one is here , all are living alone.

Now happiness also, you have to take as a loan.


Happy or Sad ?

If sad , ruin a day .

If happy , catch a new way .


If both , stop there , choose one !

Nothing is forever.

Life is too short to waste a second of none.

- by ips