I met the devil the other night
I was shocked and a tad disturbed
He didn\'t look like I thought he would 
But it didn\'t matter 
I wasn\'t perturbed

He didn\'t look scary or evil
And he didn\'t shoot flames of fire
His clothes weren\'t scruffy and dirty
I was actually quite impressed 
With his choice of attire 

Believe it or not 
He was a handsome guy
There\'s something I thought I\'d not say 
But if he wasn\'t 
This whole scenario
Would completely go astray

He had jet black hair
And menacing dark eyes 
I wanna say that were black
Or maybe they weren\'t
I could be wrong
Maybe it was just a disguise

He was very tall
I\'m guessing about 6 foot 4
With a ript and slender body 
I\'d not been told the truth
I\'d had a completely wrong impression
Of him before 

He had the deepest voice
I think I\'ve ever heard
It was very low and sexy
To say that it was devil-like
Would be totally wrong and absurd

He has a sence of humour 
Something else I wasn\'t told 
His smile could warm the cockles 
Off every living soul

And therein lies the word 
That I\'ve been searching for
To make my poem complete
Now I know why he\'s on earth 
He is here for my soul to compete