



Two roads diverge in the yellow wood

And sorry i could not travel both

                             --------Robert Frost


The roads that I have not taken

Other people will travel for me

The life styles that I have not chosen

Countless others will try instead of me

Thus I would have countless avatars free

To make up for the mistakes and regrets 

My fat success  and happiness

Would be where someone else went amiss

And vice versa.

With such parallel universes

What could I not do? If not here and now

Sooner or later, without my knowing how


Then, why these hovering apprehensions

Of the finite being and the ever oblivion

If i could hold this for my belief

Then whatever would come a relief

If there be parallel dimensions





Where you get your fruits and flowers

Where your lover hacks and hovers

Where you  e-pay and cosplay

Where you travel the world over

To the glory that was Greece

And the grandeur that was Rome

In Clouds you walk and stalk

All the while you stay at Home


Tinkle tinkle my avatar

How I wonder what you are