

Memories of what once was stand in a state of decay

Reminiscent of the lonely graveyard with its tombstone sentinels

Sorrow and anguish the swirling mist, ever clinging and here to stay

Bringing with it torment on ghostly caravels

Depression with its dark clouds subdue the lights sway

Darkness devouring what little happiness remains like candied morsels


Sobs shatter the silence with a thunderous roar

Tears fall in a torrent as rain falls from the sky

Sadness takes wing and begins to soar

What was once buried I can no longer deny

Breaking out of the ground with the strength of a rushing boar

Ghostly visages claw and crawl, sounding their wailing cry


Shadows lengthen, threatening to swallow me

My demons eye me like a carrion feast

I know in an instant I could never flee

For both are like wolves with my scent, to say the least

The Darkness takes form, becoming an obsidian monstrosity

My demons coalesce into a familiar beast


Blood-red eyes reveal their demented intent

They begin to circle with ferocity

To me they are not malevolent

Seeking only to devour my sanity

So, I can be anointed in their black sacrament

To truly and fully shatter my psyche


To this, one more question I implore

Is this my Destiny evermore