
What Abuse?

Looking back from this day and age

It seems that as a child I was abused,

Abused by my Mum.


She made do household jobs

And made me go to school.

Such a wicked woman.


If I went out I had to be back,

Back home by a set time.

If I did wrong I was slapped round the legs,

Oh such abuse.


She said I must get a job and work,

Work for the things I wanted.

Such a slave driver.


She insisted I do my best at school,

And at my job and to take pride in my work,

What a flaming cheek.


All this led to what I am.

I grew up with good morals,

And a good work ethic.

I have respect for all,

For all in my life.

And I don’t get offended

By things I disagree with.

This ethos of mine came from them,

Came from my parents,

Who sent me into my world with knowledge,

Knowledge of how to cope with life,

And show respect to one and all.


Why are the young not taught,

Not taught to be like this

In this day and age?