Doggerel Dave

I Seek it Here, I Seek it There, I Seek it Everywhere..

Needed a roof after all my labours,

The rent was low, I felt it worth the cost.

There had been many tenants the neighbours

told me, but nothing further - a line crossed.


It was mobile – sometimes here, sometimes there;

(Drove me nuts – although this I won’t admit)

Almost as if it introduced a dare:

“Go on, find me – you’re just not up to it”!


A supernatural presence I nearly thought;

Did poltergeists come in a smelly form?

Woah – such speculations will come to naught -

There’s no way I will keep such nonsense warm.


An odour – smelt like (sorry!) rancid farts.

An olfactory hallucination?

But visitors smelt it too, bless their hearts -

Enlisted their help in its location

quite early in order to demonstrate

it wasn’t me, I had to make that clear;

But chances of ‘romance’ were not great

when suddenly that fragrance would appear…..


More an elusive stench I could not pin

became an obsession yet what could I do?

It was a rental property I was in –

Admit defeat and beat a retreat - phew!