PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :)

I Heart My Heart

First published here a few years ago as my WriteBeLight name. 

Who wouldn\'t love,
A Heart like mine?
Works very hard,
And, never whines.

Sometimes forget,
That it\'s there.
Take it for granted?
I wouldn\'t dare!!

I have all the respect,
There is in the world.
My precious red diamond,
My priceless jewel.

It has been broken,
Once or twice,
By people who,
Just weren\'t nice.

I\'ll protect my Heart,
And, never again,
Let anyone hurt it,
My Heart, I\'ll defend.

Right now it\'s happy,
In a very good place.
Treat it with care,
With goodness and grace.

So, everyday,
This card I send.
To my wonderful Heart,
Most dependable friend.