
This Heavenly Night

This Heavenly Night


We walk together hand in hand

As the stars come out over the land

One by one they frame our twilight view

Each resembles time passing with you.


As I count the years we’ve been together

Each shine in their own way forever

A testament to the permeance above

Tonight’s sky alive in harmony with our love.


Stars reminiscent of days genuine and true

Illuminated with meaningful brilliance

Each winking applause for our resilience

Across his vast blanket, my life with you.


On this special night we travel, grateful

For this elegant heavenly view, a glow

God’s landscape lighting our path, ever so

Answering wishes on stars to the faithful.


We are blessed and once again we kiss

To begin a new, adding to our life’s story

We choose a star and make our wish

As together we vow to give him glory.

Written by Dave Black 9-29-22