
A Lost Connection

Inside there’s a stillness, a sadness
I knew this day must come, but still I’m not ready 
It’s not goodbye, it’s au revoir
For you are my teacher, my guide
Your wisdom knows no bounds
Your expanse is infinite 
No soul that visits is left untouched
You have the power to change lives
To take lives 
You command respect, and those that don’t take heed are forever held in your deep blue embrace 
But for those that do, you have so much to offer 
The gift of life 
The promise of adventure 
The thrill of the surf
Life is all around 
Holiday makers that come and go
Locals that live their daily lives by your side 
Lifeguards that perform heroic acts when called upon 
The ebb and flow of life 
Rolling in and out with the tide
We ride high on the crest of a wave
But to experience this joy, we must also know the depths of your icy cold waters 
Because it’s only by facing the shadows that true bliss is felt
It’s only by sinking to the depths that we may rise to our full potential 
And so for now, I’ll take all this onboard 
For now, I’ll heed your messages and let them dance within my soul as I return to my daily life 
But know that I depart with your words of wisdom held deep in my heart 
And until then, I’ll enjoy our last moment of stillness together 
I’ll let my heat beat to the rhythm of your essence 
I’ll savour this connection as I gaze upon your turquoise canvas 
For all too soon it will be time to turn and leave 
Suddenly it’s here
The moment I’ve dreaded arrives
I take one last fleeting look and the spell is broken 
The deep connection lost 
For now, but not forever 
Definitely not forever!