
Private Breakfast, Hidden Heart


staring at me

from across the breakfast table

You soften all my rough edges,

the ones I keep out in front

to prevent others

from getting too close,

seeing the real me.

only you know who that is.


I give myself to you

each and every day

and it gives me the greatest 

pleasure in the world

to hear you ask me one simple question.

How was your day?


The words wash over me

in an instant relief that makes me forget

about the bad that happened that day.

I remember only the good,

thankful that someone

as beautiful as her

can make me forget how ugly

I am myself

even for just a moment.


Staring into the two jadeite pools

opposite from me,

they\'re unwavering, endless,

bottomless as the ocean is deep

I could fall into them forever

and not be sad.


I won\'t get lost though.

I\'m going to the grocery to

get the eggs for tomorrow morning

to repeat the ritual.

And this time,

just maybe

I won\'t have to pretend

she\'s imaginary.