Diana Alvarado


I feel so numb, so down.
I\'m getting neglected.
I\'m a fool, I\'m a dumb.
I\'m trembling, he didn\'t keep his vow.
He left me, I\'m crying now.
I\'m going to overcome this, but I don\'t know how.
Meanwhile, wearing this red gown, I\'m dying slowly in front of this crowd, and all they do, is just laugh.
\'Cause on his head, I put a huge crown, he smiled at me, and then I bowed.
But a single truth of his words, I haven\'t found.
Therefore, I look like a clown.
I can\'t find peace or calm.
He took away from me, even his crumbs.
I don\'t need to hear a sound, but I need to shout. My heart hurts a lot, this breaking off is so rough, that I can\'t feel my lungs.
 I want to bury all these feelings, but I\'m already underground.
So far I\'ve realized; he doesn\'t love me, oh wow! I guess he was just messing around. He doesn\'t give a damn about me or my heart.
He got married, I\'ve heard. Now I see he has no bounds, he spilled the rum and afterwards, I thought \"this is not fair enough, cause he has destroyed my world\".
With the pain through these years I have brought. I don\'t know if I can carry on.
At this moment, I\'m getting fraught. For this love, by myself, I\'ve fought. Happiness is the only thing I\'ve sought. They say sadness killed me. Yes, this sucks.
After all, He drives me nuts. Well, now  I can\'t see the roses, there are just guns. The people that I\'ve loved, all of \'em has gone. And all I can say is; \'my time has come\'.