Under the blue moon I saw you
you took me up in your arms
like I was your last hope
you cried for help but no one heard
you screamed for help but none was given
it was not your fault my love
the time was just right
the time for goodbyes, time for my departure
Goodbye my love,untill we meet again
Your hands was shaking,I could feel it
we both knew it was my last minute,my last day,my last breath we just didn\'t want to believe
we couldn\'t because it was painful
I wish I could kiss you forever,I wish I could make memories but guess nobody ever know when there time is over
I\'ll miss you even on the grave
Goodbye my love untill we meet again
You tried,to save me,
but that was my job because apparently nobody could or can save you from yourself
so do not beat yourself up for it
move on learn to love again
be happy because you deserve it
you believed in me when no one did
when I din\'t,when I couldn\'t but maybe I needed to believe in myself
do not cry,I\'ll watch over you in heaven
goodbye my love, until we meet again
If I was to make a choice I think I\'d add a day
to make memories,to be in your arms
to watch the moon,stars,the sky
to tell you just how much I loved you
how important you were to me
but these are only wishes
so goodbye my love, until we meet again
you were my Solence
my knight in the shinning armour
my light,my best friend but it all has to end because I\'m not yours anymore
I\'m just a bad memory,a memory that you need to erase and move on
I know that nothing is ever easy, everything is complicated
I wanted to get lost in a maze but you were my labyrinth
I know the wounds are ugly but the scars will be joyful
Goodbye my love, until we meet again