
Darkness in the Light

I was, probably a little innocent boy,

unknown to what love actually is,

then I saw her.

The purest form of light, 

in the caliginous world of mine.

At least, that\'s what I thought.

I experienced

The purest form of bliss.

I talked with her ,

Laughed with her,

and even cried with her


\"Isn\'t the moon lovely?\" I said .

An Eccedentesiat turned into 

a cheerful individual.

A boy came.

She talked with him,

She laughed with him,

and even cried with him.

\"I can see spots on the moon\"

\"But it\'s still is lovely\" I said with tears in my eyes.

I could see the spots on moon 

as if there was a patch of darkness in the light.

-Sha 👟