
Piece of My Heart

Can you hear shattering sounds?

That\'s my heart breaking.

Bits and pieces dropping one by one,

And my soul left crying and shaking.


It hurts when you pushed me away

As if what we had was nothing.

And as I pick up the pieces of my broken heart

My mind drifts into wondering:


I\'ll carve your name in a piece of my heart.

A sign that I\'ll keep my promise to you forever.

That even as time passes and that we both move on,

My love for you will stay forever.


Can you hear my footsteps?

As I walk away from what we have.

I don\'t like turning back, no I don\'t wanna see

The person who I thought was my other half.


It hurts when you pushed me away, 

But it even hurts when I remember the good times.

And as I walk away with the winds blowing in my face,

I hear whispers of sad, wind chimes...


And they\'re saying:


I\'ve carved your name in a piece of my heart.

Will you cherish it one last time or walk away?

Make my love a beacon of light when you\'re lost

I promise you, it will not lead you astray.


But now that it\'s all over,

Is there any sign of hope?

A hope that maybe someday we could be friends

Or maybe that idea is too much we can cope? 


We knew what exactly went wrong

And here I am... missing you so.

I could only wonder if you miss me too

Or if you\'ve already moved on and let go?


I keep asking myself,

If there is a certain chance in life

That we will finally meet and see each other...

will it end with laughter or strife?


If at some point, you\'ll think of me

Know that you\'ll always know where to find me.

And I\'ll just be here, living my life.

My doors may remain locked, but you\'ll always have the key.


Maybe we won\'t be the same anymore after this

We won\'t get together like how we used to be.

But I know in my heart that I would still care for you.

And you\'ll always have a friend in me. 


I got to move on. I got to let go.

Say goodbye and listen to one last sad song.

Just tell me if you want me to stay with you

And I\'ll hold your hand, and tell you to be strong.


Though reality is bitter...


I still carved your name in a piece of my heart. 

Remember to please not give up.

There are better things for you out there

I know that one day, you\'ll find your golden cup.


Oh, you\'ll always have a piece of my heart.

Even if we both parted ways, 

Please know that someone, somewhere

Has loved and cared for you. Always.


A piece of my heart will belong to you forever.