

I am locked in a cage, I am trapped and afraid.    I am a bird very small,  not harmful at all.                                             Why choose me, why must this be?   When you know very well I am born to be free.                                                         I am shouting out loud  trying to make every sound and I flap my wings with rage.                                                            But people walk by with no look in their eye and I fall to the bottom of my cage.                                                            I don\'t want to be here, I don\'t want to be here, I want to be there in the air.      Just give me a chance, this is not just a dance,  I want you to see my despair. I need to sing, I need to fly,  I need to be with my kind.      I want to sing my magical song,  a nightingale\'s song is refined.                                                       I know your story a soft voice said from somewhere I couldn\'t see where.      You are endangered, you are now so few and nightingales are now very rare.        A hand stretched out before me and lifted me up very high, showing me the way to freedom, the freedom for which I cry.                                             The door of my cage was opened wide and I spread out my wings to fly, to a space that is safe where I can wait for the darkness of night.                       No longer in solitude, I will sing my gratitude to the hand that set me free. I can compose a symphony, a melody in harmony to reflect my perfect delight.  The nightingale, mystique and unique was chosen to be free.  Born to charm born to sing to live with dignity.                                    .... end  ....