Per Mare Per Terras

The Boy Who Lost His Way

Had to choose a path between two arrows pointed two ways

But he choose the third path the one no one els could see

He lived through many mistakes that others made

but he always made it out even when people would lie on his name

He would beat the odd untill one person won over him

The boy was fighting for self defance even proving to people to not

quote him lies but live by there own morals not ones givin to them with false hope

But truth with in ones self so they called him lost saying he was stuck min his mind

but was saw reality the way God wanted people to see

The boy had scars all over his body so the killers where nice to him

But smuglers would tourcher him for 40 days and 40 nights

The boy never told anyone what his friends did or what happen to him

Even took the fall for them and so they hated him for no reason

They just never wanted to see him win so he went to the forest and vanished

Without a trace

The lions say the day he was born God was crying and rain was falling with thunder

and Lighting

The boy was all alone no where or no one to call home

He grow up in nine different homes and states

He never felt loved or had hugs so he would flip out when someone

Would touch him knowing he didn\'t do anything wrong

So he turned his heart black darker then anyone before him or after

The boy was lost in his own mind He was only a child

Many people can still hear his screams so they gave the boy a name

They called him death because everywhere he stepped

People Died and would say that he was cursed

He had the mental of a man but the body of a kid

But then again I was only a kid.