
Ready For His Return

Tune: Doncaster

(\'Put thou thy trust in God\')

Luke 12 v.35-40


Be girded, ready be

For the Lord\'s return, see

And let your lamps be burning bright

Not obscured by the night


And do be like unto

Men, who their lord to view

Do wait, that when He returns they

May be ready that day


Blesse those servants who be

Watching diligently

For their lord\'s return, for he shall

Sit them down, serve them well


Whate\'er hour, day or night

it may be, their lord might

Return, they blessed if he them finds

Ready with willing minds


If master of house knew

When thief would come, \'tis true

He would have watched, not allowed, sure

His house to be robbed poor


Be you ready also

For time you do not know

When Son of man returns, it be

Hour unexpectedly