

Night\'s drawing
Cornering you
Taking sunshine
Killing enthusiasm....
For warmer days
Time to gather fuel
Grab your pack....
Walk the roads 
Twisting out of sight
Working in fading light
Wild moods dance
Birds scatter
Speaking unhappy chatter
Leaves fly randomly 
This season changes gradually.....
You love the fall 

Welcoming bonfires
Man made fires that work 
See how they spit their sparks
Terrifying masks and toffee apples 
Brittle treats that crack then sour 
Children out to ungodly an hour
Screams follow very funny things
Pumpkin faces shine awaiting the morning
A couple kiss under a sickle moon
Red lipstick contrasts with deepest shadow
Deathly white faces peer out into darkest night
They embrace to scare the spirits away
Love to outlive every lantern now seen

..... Night\'s drawing