
Simple Service

Tune: Serenity

(\'Immortal love, for ever full\')

Mark 9 v.32-41 parts


If one is not against us, he

Or she for us shall be

Serving the Lord, doing His will

Abiding in Him still


But if one is not for us, he

Or she against us be

Not promoting God\'s kingdom, will

Not working good but ill


Yet if for us, the smallest thing

That our co-workers bring

To us shall have worth and value

Shall benefit e\'en you


For if it be whoe\'er shall give

You cup of water, live

Shall you, and so your thirst be quenched

And the Lord\'s presence sensed


In great or small, whate\'er service

One does, it true is this

That in serving you they the Lord

Serve, shall not lose reward