Raven Forevermore Est.1995

Special People

There are some people that get taken advantage of.
There are people who have disabilities that are sweet.
Like the angels, their souls fly with the doves.
To be around them & get to know them is worth the meet.

No need to laugh & snicker at them,
They are all the same as us, human.
They may be all sizes, but they still have a sweet soul in them.
So, try to learn to love them no matter what because they are human.

For me, being mostly deaf & having seizures there are people out there aiming to control me or put me down.
As for my big heart, I feel it is a flaw.
Wishing the world knew peace all around.
Then someday I won\'t see my flaws.

Special people are everywhere.
You will never know it, but right in front of you, they can be there.
So be nice & polite.
For in darkness, we do need the light.

Be kind to all!