

This is not a criticism of free verse or other non rhyming poetry! It’s intended to be a humorous reference to the reduced popularity of rhyming… and I will probably get pilloried for saying that!

its intended as a (poor)  joke!



I’ve just called in to say goodbye

I’m discouraged, but not sure why

It’s hard being a poet who likes to rhyme

In a world where free verse is in its prime

I’m just an old fashioned poet facing defeat

In a world where rhyming has become obsolete


So I lay down my mouse and switch off the screen

Let the free versers reign here supreme

I will turn my back on paper and pen

Never to pick up on my muse again

I bid you goodbye and wish you goodnight

As I exit this stage and leave the spotlight


Who am I kidding, I know you won’t believe

A rhymer must rhyme, just as they must breathe

You can’t write a poem without holding a pen

It’s not a matter of will but a matter of when

Stand back, free versers, I’m coming through!

I’ve got a million poems that rhyme for you!