Little Bit Lost



Actions will always speak the words you don\'t want to say. They also reveal every move planned in the game that you play. 


Don\'t let words try to prove that love is real. Action show me it\'s just more pain that will not heal.


Don\'t say I\'m deserving and worthy of love. When your actions just make me feel not good enough.


Don\'t use words of desire and deep affection. Your actions are saying I should prepare for rejection.


Don\'t keep telling me you want to be with me, when your actions are screaming you want to be free. 


Don\'t tell me you love me and make me cry. Your actions show me your words are a lie.


Say what you mean and mean what you say. When your actions don\'t match it\'s a dead giveaway.


To save drama and heartbreak, tell the truth right away. Actions will always speak louder than words you don\'t say.