
What is love?

Is love a force like gravity? If so, does it requires consciousness to be

Are there different levels of love,one for oneself, family, mankind and all above?

For each thing according to its capacity, it\'s not limited only to humanity

It\'s action, not words, that prove this emotion, sacrifice is how we measure one\'s devotion

Sometimes, love\'s intent can be missed, does it have to be seen to exist?

Sometimes greater than laying down one\'s life, is the penalty of being thought the cause of strife

To take others misplaced violence and then, just suffer in silence over again

To take, in our heart, the bullet of blame and wear the thorny crown of shame

Keeping in secret our oblation, so as not to create further devastation

Forever a villain in our own grave, not understood by those we save

It seems that one thing for certain is true, love is valuing something else more than you