PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :)

The F-Bomb

Here it comes!
Best get away!
I feel my nerves,
I feel them fray.

So, freely people,
Love to lob,
That over-used swear,
Infamous F Bomb!

Some throw it out,
When they feel sad.
Of course, used most,
When they are mad.

I feel uneasy,
In my skin.
When said that way,
I feel chagrin.

But, I get a kick,
I sense the laughter.
No problem here,
There\'s no cringe factor.

It\'s written down,
In letters or blogs.
Or, blurted out,
When two dudes talk.

It\'ll be in lyrics,
Right there in songs.
Then repeated by all,
From old to young.

But, words like crap,
Dam, Hell and S**t.
I say those myself.
Well, not all of it.

The F Bomb I will,
Try to disguise.
Here, I\'d say,
Tasty effen pie!

Maybe something like,
That\'s so mucked up.
How about this,
Sweet frigging truck!

A effen word.
Don\'t get frigging nervous.
Hell Yeah! Dam It!
It serves a purpose!

Or if you\'re texting,
F Bomb to throw,
Two simple letters,
Text them F.O.