
The well of wails

A little girl,

Her heart shredded,

Lies and wails,

Her screams are dreaded.


All the passers,

All the saints,

All the sinners,

They fear her wails.


Heaven and Hell,

They shake, they fall,

As the little girl lies,

Her heart stomped upon.


Let the Gods answer,

Let Heaven speak,

Let them stand accused,

Of the little girl\'s screams.


Let them be blamed,

Let they take heed,

For if the little girl weeps,

They will have to bleed.


Let injustice tremble,

Let it bend in shame,

To the little girl\'s cries,

As she breaks down to sleep.


Let the world be cursed,

Let damnation be,

The little girl weeps,

Shame on you, who breathe.