
Hold On

When the storms of life nudge at your hope,
Rip the sunshine from your skies,
Push and pull your endurance,
Shake the foundation of your faith,
                Hold on tight a little longer,
                God\'s got you,

When the winds pound your structure,
Screaming as they engulf your house on the rock,
As the floods rise above the norm,
As the waves beat mercilessly against your doors,
                Hold on tight a little longer,
                God\'s got you,

When destruction has you at ends wit,
And despair and gloom cloud your sight,
And pain and worry strike your heart,
When tears are all that your heart can say,
               Hold on tight a little longer,
                God\'s got you,

When the storm\'s over the sun will emerge,
And the rainbow will appear,
The beauty will return once again,
Everything will be okay,
                Wait a little longer,
                God\'s got you.