Eric Stubblefield II


I like the way you never give up, I like the way you love our babies, I like the way you teach and care for them too


I like the way you smile and laugh, I like the way you hold your finger on your lip even though I don’t understand it


I like the way you hiccup and can’t stop, I like the way it makes me laugh, I like the way you try to make it stop but laugh and laugh and make them come right back


I like the way you love me deep, I like the way you jump in your sleep, I like the way you put others first


I like the way you read the kids books, I like your structure and how you are always head first


I like the way you run your mouth, I like the way you make jokes, I like the way they are mostly the same, sorry moms your the brunt of her games


I like the way you hold yourself up, I like the way you stand tuff, even when you are at Witts end it’s that smile I like that comes back again


So clearly I like you, I like you a lot, I like your flaws and I like your triumphs, I will like you forever as eternity does not stop.