Dr. Soma

Love Vs Attachment

Attachment means an extra part of the extension that is something to perform a particular function.

But love means an extra feeling that is created in our hearts and touches our souls.

Someone in dilemma and mixes up between love and attachment.

Think that when we attach to someone, maybe it’s called love.

But it’s wrong.

Attachment and love are not the same.

All attachments do not belong to love.

But in all love belong to the attachment.

So, set up your mind and then decide what is to be done.

If you think you just built up the attachment for any particular reason,

Then you should not search for love in it.

But when you really fell in love with anyone, you need not search for attachments because then you have already been attached.

But it’s needed to create mental attachment not physical.

Don’t search for love in physic.

Love creates in the mind, in the heart, and in the soul.

Otherwise, every attachment is temporary and fragile.