Ash :)

My beautiful heartbreaker

I thought I was over it and thought I was done lingering around the memories

I thought I was over feeling love for someone who doesn’t love me

I guess things like this just don\'t go away


You already found someone only a month after you broke me

And that someone was someone who you let go for the same reason we had to let go 

I truly respect what happened and why but I...just cant let go


You made me feel safe, secure, loved, comforted, you made me feel like a real person 

I know people have liked me back in the past but not like you did, you loved me 

Ha, I guess it’s the attachment issues talking but I still need you


My pretty girl, please write me instructions on how to let go of what was once ours

I’ll pretend to be happy for you two but deep deep down I\'m the one that wants you

I know it\'s selfish and weird and pathetic but I can’t let go


My love, I know I shouldn\'t even call you that but I forever will

I\'m sorry for even considering you loving me again

For now I\'ll have to except the fact that the only thing we will ever be is just friends