PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :)

12 Laws and 1 Rule

There are 12 Universal Laws,
Thought-provoking topics.
But my favorite of the dozen,
To me has the best of logic.

For now, I will touch upon,
A few that I like as well.
I suggest you look these up,
Take time on the list to dwell.

The Law of Divine Oneness,
Everything connected to everything.
What we say and do in our lives,
Equal effect on other living things.

The Law of Action is needed,
To manifest things on Earth.
Engage in things that support,
Dreams, emotions, your self-worth.

Perpetual Transmutation of Energy,
The law that we have power within.
To improve the life we live,
High vibes not low ones, give in.

And, related to our mental state,
Is the Law of Polarity.
Suppress and transform bad thoughts,
To strong and positive for clarity.

The other 7 on the list,
Gender, Rhythm, Relativity,
Then Compensation and Correspondence,
Vibration, Cause and Effect, in brevity.

But my favorite of the 12 laws,
Is the Law of Attraction.
Negative thoughts produce the same,
Likewise, very positive action.

These are the immutable Laws,
That apparently cover the rules.
Of the life we want to live,
In the manner in which we move.

Ralph Waldo Emerson\'s quote,
My understanding, just paraphrase.
What you think about all day long,
Will be the product of your future days.

Now, it\'s up to you.
Take these with a grain of salt.
Maybe add one more, the Golden Rule,
For this one, set your default.