

I have realized that most people do not love like I do


Most people love only with a tiny piece of their heart, saving the rest for when their person no longer deserves it, and the next person comes to steal the next piece 


Little by little, piece by piece, their heart gets smaller and it gets harder to love when their pieces are thrown away


The next person gets only a fraction of the love the last one did because now they are scared they will run out of pieces


They are scared they will run out of love


Most people do not love like I do, as I made the mistake of loving you with my whole heart, and now it seems my love has run out


I envy those who have love to spare because they get to move on 


But I am not like those people


I can\'t move on because my whole heart is stuck with you


Most people do not love like I do because I love you

But you love in pieces