W. Charlie Martineau, Jr.

Can I protect her from me?

I\'d walk straight through hell with no flinching from pain

I\'d burn down the world and set fire to rain

I\'d pull down the heavens,
rip the roof off of hell

Make molehills of mountains
\'Til the best of them fell 

And only one doubt, in my consciousness be,

Is it possible I can protect her from me?

I\'d catch lightning and make it retreat to the clouds

Take every last life form and wrap it in shrouds

I\'d fight every demon, make satan take flight

And demand that the heavens still shone through the night

And only one doubt, in my consciousness be,

Is it possible I can protect her from me?

I knew from the moment I saw her, she\'d win

I\'d fight any devil and shirk any sin

But, how could I know of my darkness inside?

That black that my ignorant soul chose to hide.

And only one doubt, in my consciousness be,

Is it possible I can protect her from me?

When each foe is conquered and daylight streaks through,

When angels remember the hymns they once knew,

When hope is in sight and the fear out of view

Why do I wonder if I\'m safe for you?

Still only one doubt, in my consciousness be,

Is it possible I can protect her from me?

Courage may conquer
Rage may strike fear

Chivalry writes its own poetry dear

Death may beat drums and make the ground shake

But, it\'s the ones that we love who have power to break

And only one doubt, in my consciousness be,
Is it possible I can protect her from me?

If E\'er I were granted a wish sure to be,

I would wish I could simply protect her from me