
Smoke No More.

There we were at the wedding reception,

My wife and I,

A nephew had plighted his troth to his lady

And there lives went into a new future.

The meal was over

I got out my cigarettes,

As did many others,

I smoked it

And then I realised,

Realised I was not enjoying it.

I had been smoking for twenty years,

That first one in the morning was special,

Then the ones with tea and coffee,

The ones after lunch and dinner were needed,

And how could I have a pint without a fag.


All this time I had smoked cigarettes

But on this day it came to me,

I no longer enjoyed it.

So on that day,

At the wedding reception,

I had my last cigarette.

It was hard to give up smoking

But give up smoking I did

On this day forty years ago.

Sixteenth October nineteen eighty two,

I gave up smoking.