Insanely Hilarious

Safe Haven

There\'s a wildflower tucked behind your ear.
Darling, trust me, you\'ve got nothing to fear.
Just let me have your hand in mine,
Then I\'ll know I don\'t need to say goodbye.
Your eyes make me forget everything near me,
To be in your arms is something I hold dear.
Sweetheart, I\'ll be your safe haven,
I\'ll do anything to be yours.
I\'ll look for the ravens you wish to see,
With you, I want codependency.
I will be your safe haven, sweetheart,
Loving till the end of eternity is what I want.
Come, my darling, I\'ll make you safe,
Even if it means one way to hell.
Your smile is all I need, darling, it can make me rip the world apart for you.
Love me like you love wildflowers, love me like there is no tomorrow.
Sweetheart, I\'ll be your safe haven,
Just love me like you love the stars.
Darling, let me have your hand in mine.
Just let me make you smile, my love.
I would tear the world apart to find you.
Those grey eyes are worth dying for.
Let me make you feel like you\'re home, darling.
I\'ll be your safe haven, I\'ll be your safe haven,
Let me be your safe haven, sweetheart.
