
When Wild Honey is Not Always the Sweetest

When Wild Honey is Not Always the Sweetest


I suppose at a push

or a pinch or a shove ..

We could try to

survive on the cheap ..

Like the students

down at the harbour ..

I hear they thrive on

goats cheese,

Retsina, yesterday’s

crusts and wild honey ..

With maybe, a handful

of pills thrown in

just for good measure

at weekends ..

And if we only go out

in the evening my love,

when the sun has gone ..

Your skin

and complexion will

both surely stay white

and unsullied ..

The envy again, of all

those in the ghetto

we are both somehow,

each tied to ..

Then, while you are busy

tie-dying, shampooing

and preening ..

I shall focus entirely on

love songs,

our survival and poetry ..