Niki Oz


Walk with me on this crisp autumn day. Hold my chilled hand and warm my fingers. Smell the chilled air and feel the gentle breeze. Gaze with me upon tall, tall trees who\'s leaves are of all vibrant autumn colors. Views so beautiful that every blink is that of capturing a picture, a moment in time; our time. Memories to be made and shared, feelings of laughter never to be forgotten. 

This year is different though. From all the others. As I stand in the chilled breeze as the sun hits my face, I close my eyes. All of those memories and shared laughters flash back just like the beautiful pictures we took of the colors together with each blink of an eye. The tears pour like autumn showers relentlessly as my heart beats as harsh as winter thunder. But the pain, oh the pain flashes like relentless lightning with each strike lighting my soul on fire with fury even further. No, this year is not the same. This year I bury the memories of you like I bury the deepest darkest of secrets within my soul. This year I let go so that I may finally move on.