
From My Bedroom Window: Trees in All Seasons

I can see the strand of trees as I wake.     

Yellows, reds and oranges so mighty bold,                       

     autumn colors cause me a second take.   


Winter with the branches so dark and cold,   

     whites, browns and grays: all barks so very bare,    

     make me sad in many ways: feeling old.  


Spring yields buds, sweetly new, without a care.           

Pink and creamy flowers with greens do grow.                

My trees make my soul feel free: songs so fair.                               


Summer and heat can make the leaves drupe low.   

But flowers, reds and purples, near my trees,    

    and rain showers sure give us all a glow.   


 I find that my dear trees do share and see    

     life-seasons: beauty for eternity.